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Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Mostrando ítems 1-19 de 19
A detection system with broad angular acceptance for particle identification and angular distribution measurements
Carnelli, Patricio Francisco Florencio
Arazi, Andrés
Fernández Niello, Jorge Oscar
Capurro, Oscar Ángel
Cardona, Maria Angélica
de Barbará, Ezequiel
Figueira, Juan Manuel
Hojman, Daniel Leonardo
Martí, Guillermo Virginio
Martinez Heimann, Diego
Negri, Agustin Eduardo
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Elsevier Science
AMS measurement of 10Be concentrations in marine sediments from Chile Trench at the TANDAR laboratory
Rodrigues, D.
Arazi, Andres
Fernandez Niello, Jorge Oscar
Martí, Guillermo Virginio
Negri, Agustin Eduardo
Abriola, Daniel Hugo
Capurro, Oscar Ángel
Cardona, Maria Angelica
de Barbará, Ezequiel
Gollan Scilipotti, Fernando Daniel
Hojman, Daniel Leonardo
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Samsolo, N.
Togneri, M.
Villanueva, D.
Elsevier Science
Angular distributions of the alpha particle production in the 7Li+144Sm system at near-barrier energies
Carnelli, Patricio Francisco Florencio
Arazi, Andres
Capurro, Oscar Ángel
Fernandez Niello, Jorge Oscar
Martinez Heimann, Diego
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Cardona, Maria Angelica
de Barbará, Ezequiel
Figueira, Juan Manuel
Hojman, Daniel Leonardo
Martí, Guillermo Virginio
Negri, Agustin Eduardo
IOP Publishing
Be 9 + Sn 120 scattering at near-barrier energies within a four-body model
Arazi, Andres
Casal, J.
Rodríguez Gallardo, M.
Arias, J. M.
Lichtenthäler Filho, R.
Abriola, Daniel Hugo
Capurro, Oscar Ángel
Cardona, Maria Angelica
Carnelli, Patricio Francisco Florencio
De Barbará, E.
Fernandez Niello, Jorge Oscar
Figueira, Juan Manuel
Fimiani, Leticia
Hojman, Daniel Leonardo
Martí, Guillermo Virginio
Martínez Heimman, D.
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
American Physical Society
Breakup coupling effects on near-barrier inelastic scattering of the weakly bound 6Li projectile on a 144Sm target
Woodard, A. E.
Figueira, Juan Manuel
Otomar, D. R.
Fernandez Niello, Jorge Oscar
Lubian, J.
Arazi, Andres
Capurro, O. A.
Carnelli, Patricio Francisco Florencio
Fimiani, L.
Martí, Guillermo Virginio
Martinez Heimann, Diego
Monteiro, D. S.
Negri, Agustin Eduardo
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Gomes, P. R. S.
Elsevier Science
Breakup threshold anomaly in the elastic scattering of the 9Be + 80Se system
Gollan Scilipotti, Fernando Daniel
Abriola, Daniel Hugo
Arazi, Andres
Capurro, Oscar Ángel
Cardona, Maria Angelica
de Barbará, Ezequiel
Hojman, Daniel Leonardo
Martí, Guillermo Virginio
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Rodrigues Ferreira Maltez, Dario Pablo
Testoni, Jorge Eduardo
Elsevier Science
Characterization of low-energy nuclear reactions involving emission of few non-relativistic particles
Martinez Heimann, Diego
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Capurro, Oscar Ángel
Elsevier Science
Differential and total cross sections of non-capture breakup reactions in the 6Li+ 144Sm system
Martinez Heimann, Diego
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Capurro, Oscar
Arazi, Andres
Balpardo, Christian
Cardona, Maria Angelica
Carnelli, Patricio Francisco Florencio
de Barbará, Ezequiel
Fernandez Niello, Jorge Oscar
Figueira, Juan Manuel
Hojman, Daniel Leonardo
Marti, Guillermo
Negri, Agustin Eduardo
Rodrigues Ferreira Maltez, Dario Pablo
American Physical Society
Elastic and inelastic scattering for the 11B+58Ni system: Target and projectile reorientation effects
Deshmukh, N. N.
Guimaraes, V.
Crema, E.
Abriola, Daniel Hugo
Arazi, Andres
de Barbará, Ezequiel
Capurro, Oscar Ángel
Cardona, Maria Angelica
García Gallardo, Jorge Antonio
Hojman, Daniel Leonardo
Marti, Guillermo
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Rodrigues Ferreira Maltez, Dario Pablo
Yang, Y. Y.
Deshmukh, A. N.
Mendes, D. R.
Morcelle, V.
Scarduelli, V.
Monteiro, D. S
American Physical Society
Elastic and inelastic scattering for the B 10 + Ni 58 system at near-barrier energies
Scarduelli, V.
Crema, E.
Guimarães, V.
Abriola, Daniel Hugo
Arazi, Andres
de Barbará, Ezequiel
Capurro, Oscar Ángel
Cardona, Maria Angelica
Gallardo, J.
Hojman, Daniel Leonardo
Martí, Guillermo Virginio
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Rodrígues, D.
Yang, Y. Y.
Deshmukh, N. N.
Paes, B.
Lubian, J.
Mendes Junior, D. R.
Morcelle, V.
Monteiro, D. S.
American Physical Society
Elastic scattering in the 6 , 7 Li + 80 Se systems
Fimiani, L.
Figueira, Juan Manuel
Martí, Guillermo Virginio
Testoni, Jorge Eduardo
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Cárdenas, W. H. Z.
Arazi, Andres
Capurro, Oscar Ángel
Cardona, Maria Angelica
Carnelli, Patricio Francisco Florencio
de Barbará, Ezequiel
Hojman, Daniel Leonardo
Martinez Heimann, Diego
Negri, Agustin Eduardo
American Physical Society
Energy dependence of the optical potential of the weakly bound 9Be projectile on the 197Au target
Gollan Scilipotti, Fernando Daniel
Abriola, Daniel Hugo
Arazi, Andres
Cardona, Maria Angelica
de Barbará, Ezequiel
Hojman, Daniel Leonardo
Id Betan, Rodolfo Mohamed
Martí, G.V.
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Rodrigues, Daniel Enrique
Togneri, Ana Maria
Elsevier Science
Inclusive and exclusive measurements of alpha particle production mechanisms in the 7Li + 144Sm system
Carnelli, Patricio Francisco Florencio
Martinez Heimann, Diego
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Arazi, Andres
Capurro, O.A.
Fernandez Niello, Jorge Oscar
Cardona, Maria Angelica
de Barbará, E.
Figueira, Juan Manuel
Hojman, Daniel Leonardo
Martí, G.V.
Negri, Agustin Eduardo
Elsevier Science
Investigation of the fusion process for 10B + 197Au at near-barrier energies
Aversa, Martín
Abriola, Daniel Hugo
Alvarez, Marcos
Arazi, Andres
Cardona, Maria Angelica
Chamon, L. C.
de Barbará, Ezequiel
de Jesús, J.
Fernández García, J. P.
Gasques, L. R.
Hojman, Daniel Leonardo
Lépine Szily, A.
Martí, G. V.
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Scarduelli, V.
Zagatto, V. A. B.
American Physical Society
Near- and subbarrier elastic and quasielastic scattering of the weakly bound Li6 projectile on Sm144
Monteiro, D. S.
Capurro, Oscar Ángel
Arazi, Andres
Fernandez Niello, Jorge Oscar
Figueira, Juan Manuel
Martí, Guillermo Virginio
Martinez Heimann, Diego
Negri, Agustin Eduardo
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Guimarães, V.
Otomar, D. R.
Lubian, J.
Gomes, P. R. S.
American Physical Society
One-neutron transfer, complete fusion, and incomplete fusion from the Be 9 + Au 197 reaction
Gollan Scilipotti, Fernando Daniel
Abriola, Daniel Hugo
Arazi, Andres
Cardona, Maria Angelica
de Barbará, Ezequiel
de Jesús, Joaquín
Hojman, Daniel Leonardo
Id Betan, Rodolfo Mohamed
Lubian, J.
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Paes, Bárbara
Schneider, David Marcelo
Soler, H. O.
American Physical Society
Quasi-elastic scattering measurements in the systems 12,13C + 105,106Pd
Capurro, Oscar Ángel
Testoni, Jorge Eduardo
Abriola, Daniel Hugo
Achterberg, E.
Di Gregorio, Daniel Edgardo
Martí, Guillermo Virginio
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Spinella, M. R.
Role of direct mechanism in two-nucleon T=0 transfer reactions in light nuclei using the (Li 6,α) probe
Zamora, J.C.
Ferreira, J.L.
Barioni, A.
Cardozo, E.N.
Abriola, Daniel Hugo
Arazi, Andres
Assunção, M.
de Barbará, Ezequiel
Cardona, Maria Angelica
Guimarães, V.
Hojman, Daniel Leonardo
Martí, Guillermo Virginio
Mendes, D.R.
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Pires, K.C.C.
Ramos, D.
Santos, O.C.B.
Lubian, J.
American Physical Society
Systematics of the breakup probability function for 6Li and 7Li projectiles
Capurro, Oscar Ángel
Pacheco, Alberto Jorge
Arazi, Andres
Carnelli, Patricio Francisco Florencio
Fernandez Niello, Jorge Oscar
Martinez Heimann, Diego
Elsevier Science
Mostrando ítems 1-19 de 19